
Application Development
Graphic Design, UI, & UX
Business Admin., e-marketing, & Advertising
IT Solutions & Networking

Application Development

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Through my experience and knowledge of software development I am able to build computer based, web-based, and mobile applications. The languages and technologies vary based on clients needs and scope of project.

Graphic Design, UI, & UX

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As a designer of graphic designs, user interfaces, and user experiences I am able to bring clients graphical user interfaces that not only allow data and behavior of the software to be read clearly, but also for users to use the software intuitively. I am also able to create 2d and 3d art that clearly expresses clients as a brand.

Business Admin., e-marketing, & Advertising

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As a business administration minor, I am able to succesfully manage teams, keep track of common business procedures, run marketing and advertising campaigns, and increase a clients presence both online and offline.

IT Solutions & Networking

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Data networking and security are important to me in every project I am involved in. As a computer science major and software developer it is important that the information, systems, and tools companies use not only be secure, but also work well together.